Tripdownmemorylane: New Feature on Facebook

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By esbynum

Starting Monday, I will be posting what I call #tripdownmemorylane Monday. I will be going through my old photos and sharing stadiums and fields I have seen games at.

Some will feature game action, and some will just feature the stadium itself. It all depends on the level and where the game was held. I am excited to reminisce as I go through my old photos, but come along and check it out.

If you don’t follow me on Facebook, you can click HERE and follow along. It will be a fun ride.

The first few weeks are looking back at a few European stops I was able to make back in 2018. Places I wrote about but lost the articles for when the old site was infected.

Places I’ll share:

MLB Stadiums

Minor League Stadiums

KBO Stadiums (some no longer used)

European Fields

I’ll post one every Monday until I am out of stadiums/fields.

Be sure to follow along with my section called Baseball Journeyman as I continue to travel this year and create new posts for my #tripdownmemorylane. I hope to add a Spain team or two to the list this summer.

Baseball Journeyman